Solan is Align Racings second Formula Student car, with the larger and heavier Ludvig as its big brother. The goal of Solan was to create a platform which could be further developed through iterative development for the years to come. At the start of the year we made some key points for which properties we wanted the car to have, both in regards to its physical appearance, as well as some technical specifications like for example the dampener system, engine type, turbo etc. Here we used all our knowledge and experience from our first car, as well as some inspiration from other Formula Student teams. We aim to show what students in an interdisciplinary project have the capabilities to do, and the final reveal took place at campus Grimstad. This was the result of eight months hard work, focus and engagement.
AR19 Solan, as it officially is called, weighs in at 243 kg, driven by a turbocharged KTM 690 engine, in a self-designed steel frame and suspension assembly.
The time approaching competitions was used for testing and optimization of the systems driver training. The goal of the testing was to reveal weaknesses with the design in dynamic circumstances, experience its handling, and to prepare for Formula Student at Silverstone in England.
Eventually it was time for the competition. A truck was loaded, and the team travelled to England. The car quickly got through the technical control and took part in all dynamic tests. The end results were a third place in cost report, a third place in the marketing competition, 12th place in 20km endurance race and an overall 13th place in the competition. We are incredibly proud of these results, and they really showed us that “hard work pays off”!
Jørgen Nilsen
AR 2019: Solan
- Management
- Financial
- Marketing
- Human Resource
- IT
- Powertrain
- Chassis
- Suspension
- Electronics
- Project Management
- Mentors
Andreas Otter Wæhle
Project Leader
Stian Westbye
Financial Manager
Sander Landmark
Marketing Manager
Therese Waldal Aarstad
HR Manager
Tommie Strøm
IT Manager
Jørgen Nilsen
Technical Manager
Silje Haddeland
PMO Consultant
Ådne Carlsen
Powertrain Manager
Øystein Rott
Chassis Manager
Ole Anders Hetland
Suspension Manager
Lars Jørgen Alstad Flem
Electronics Manager
The financial department handles all financial transactions, overseeing accounting, budgets, and orders, as well as acquiring and maintaining sponsor relationships. The department ensures that the finances are in balance and that the organization has a healthy and good economics.
Stian Westbye
Financial Manager
Andre Brattgjerd
Key Account Manager
Tiril Irene Strand Drange
Financial Consultant
Nelly Gatete
Financial Consultant
The marketing department works to display Align outside the organisation and promote the vision and the purpose of the project outward. The department creates promotional content both through text and multimedia production such as film and photography, events, public relations, and is responsible for monitoring and managing social media accounts.
Sander Landmark
Marketing Manager
Solveig Tuo Bekken
Web Developer and Graphical Designer
Eirik Espevik
Digital Media Analyst
Ingve Grannes
Digital Media Analyst
Kristine Jørgine Løftingsmo Knaben
PR & Event Manager
Kristoffer Michael Skarsgård
Community Editor and Photographer
Camilla Solheim
Video Production Editor
Johannes Skrede Østevik
Graphical Designer and Videographer
The Human Resources department works on facilitating a positive and healthy work environment, making sure that the team, both as individuals and as a group, is taken care of in all areas of the process. Human Resources also create teambuilding events and social activities such as, social gatherings, trips, quizzes etc. This department is the glue that holds the team together, inspiring the team to create and maintain a good business culture.
Therese Waldal Aarstad
HR Manager
Tonje Kristina Bakke
HR Consultant
Mariell Skaten
Event Manager
The IT department works on on facilitating for digital solutions and are continually working on creating and improving smart IT solutions to simplify the team’s communication and information storage. IT operates the network at the office with physical hardware and IT infrastructure, in addition to cloud-based solutions and information channels. This department also assists members with IT support and helpful guides.
Tommie Strøm
IT Manager
Eirik Neste Bratteng
Linux Systems Engineer
Vebjørn Brødsjø
Windows Systems Engineer
Tone Liestøl Olsen
Database Systems Engineer
Kristine Strøm
Network Engineer
The powertrain team’s task is to make sure that the components that gives the car power is working perfectly with the rest of the car. Some of these components are the engine, turbo, intake and exhaust, cooling systems and fuel systems.
Ådne Carlsen
Powertrain Manager
Andreas Vedøy Drageset
Engine and Drivetrain Engineer
Gjermund Gabrielsen
Fuel System Engineer
Jørgen Mo
Intake and Exhaust Systems Engineer
Petter Pham
Pedalbox Engineer
Elise Randøy
Cooling Systems Engineer
Christian Salem
Intake and Exhaust Systems Engineer
The Chassis team works on building the chassis for the car. They work with developing, designing and producing the chassis and makes sure that the aerodynamics of the car are not to extensive.
Øystein Rott
Chassis Manager
Aleksander Berge
Secondary structure engineer - Ergonomics
Rebekka Blom
Primary Structure Engineer
Martin Dahlseng Hermansen
Henry Thorleif Langeland Jensen
Primary Structure Engineer
Martin Mæland
Bodywork Engineer
Tonje Sætre
Secondary Structure Engineer
Hallvar Voilås
Primary Structure Engineer
The suspension team works with everything that has to do with the wheels on the car. This includes the braking system, wishbones and other components. In addition, they work on steering and wheel function to make sure all parts work smoothly for optimal race performance.
Ole Anders Hetland
Suspension Manager
Henrik Fidje
Upright Engineer
Elias Haaø
Steering Systems Engineer
Kristian Boge Ramstad
Steering Systems Engineer
Torstein Sperre Sundklakk
Wishbone Engineer
Orwah Zubaidi
Braking Systems Engineer
The electronics team makes sure that all the electronic aspects of our car is functioning properly and the telemetry gathered from the cars sensors are displayed in a way that the other teams can improve their work. The systems the electrics team are working on is among others; mictrocontrollers with CAN-bus functionality, a telemetry gathering system, electronic throttle, clutch and shifting, and anti spin.
Lars Jørgen Alstad Flem
Electronics Manager
Henrik Brådland
Launch Control
Nikolai Kjærem Ellingsen
Bård Ersland
Launch Control
Petter Kåsastul Jenssen
Sander Johannessen
Electronic Throttle Control
Eirik Norrheim Larsen
Electronic gear shift
Marcus Nicolai Løvdal
Launch Control/Suspention Displacement
Simon Marheim
Power Distribution
Simon Erik Nylund
CAN-Bus Node PCB Design
Ruben Pedersen
Stian Rognhaugen
Electronic Throttle Control
Andreas Slettebø
Tarjei Vivelid
Power Distribution
Project Management Office works towards improving the production process with regard to time management, handling of resources, project phases, milestones, overseeing team progress and keeping the team steady towards deadlines. The department plays a large part in creating opportunities for collaboration with other formula student organizations.
To be able to improve we need to learn from our mistakes and constantly develop our internal processes. Therefore, we have put together a group of mentors, consisting of members from last years team. They are all of great importance for this years team, and we appreciate their contribution.
Andreas Fjetland
Thomas Larsen
Nora Kvingedal Rogne
Amalie Røvik
Sigurd Tollevik