I am not sure if I am eligible to apply.
Anyone who is a student at the University of Agder can become a member of Align Racing UiA. You don't need any prior knowledge, you will get far with motivation and desire.
What do you look for in applicants?
We look for motivation and willingness to learn. Since Align Racing UiA is a team, we are looking for those who like to work together with others.
Which positions can I apply for?
You can apply for positions as both a leader or a general member of Align Racing UiA. We have different positions available at different times. We would recommend you to visit the site to see which positions are available.
Can you join even if you are not studying to become an engineer?
Of course! Align Racing UiA is open to all students at UiA. We have many members from all kinds of different fields of study.
Is Align Racing UiA only for students at Grimstad campus?
Absolutely not! We are a student organization with students from both Grimstad and Kristiansand.
I am a first-year student. Can I apply?
Yes, you are most welcome to apply.
I am a master's student. Can I also apply?
Yes, you are most welcome to apply. Align Racing UiA also offers the opportunity to write master's theses.
If I become a member, how many hours do I have to spend at Align Racing UiA?
If you become a member, you must set aside a few hours a week. It will vary from period to period, and from department to department how many hours you will spend working with projects connected to Align Racing UiA. We recommend not having other positions outside of Align Racing UiA, as we have experienced that it will be a lot of work for students.
How is membership in Align Racing UiA combined with my studies?
Most of the students in Align Racing UiA are full-time students. There will be periods of a lot of work, but we plan for studies to come before Align Racing UiA. Less work is planned during the exam period.
Former members have expressed that membership in Align Racing UiA provides better knowledge than what the studies provide alone.
Where do I apply?
If you want to become a member of Align Racing UiA, apply
Can I apply to become a driver?
Yes, you can apply as a driver here:
How does the application process work?
First, you send an application to You will then be offered an interview. You will be interviewed by at least two leaders in Align Racing UiA. Here you will get to know better what Align Racing UiA has to offer, and we will get an opportunity to get to know you. The interview is not something to dread, but something to look forward to. After the interview, you will receive feedback as to whether or not you have become a member of Align Racing UiA.
How can I get information about when the recruitment process starts?
You can follow us on social media and you will be notified when we are looking for new members.
You could also send an email to
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any questions, just contact us by email
Align Racing UiA
Jon Lilletunsvei 9
4879 Grimstad
Jon Lilletunsvei 9
4879 Grimstad